What is Stat Mode?
Sunday, 21 May 2023 00:00 am

CastleRoyale Presents Rumble Arena

Stat Mode is a PVP battle mode which requires players to train a series of stats in order to succeed. Unlike Random modes, Stat modes outcome is completely dependant on the way you train, and how often you train. 

The Stats:

Players have the ability to train upto 4 different statistics: Strength, Defence, Speed and Agility and its upto players to decide which training method suits them best. 

There are various algorithyms tied to each stat so training wont be as simple as you first might expect, and its upto players to figure out if there is any desired method of training to be found. There are also several Routines that will help you train which are also to be discovered. 

The Gym:

Once you enter the gym you can select a series of activities that will help you in different ways. Defence, Speed and Agility all have 5 different activities to choose from, and Strength has 8. Just like real life it is important not to push yourself too far while training, as this may effect your health or even cause you to gain less of an advantage from your training session. Routines are a good way to gain an advantage from training, and it is upto you as a player to figure out the best routines to use. 

Energy & Hospital:

It is important that a player takes notice of their energy bar as this will effect how a user will act during battle modes, aswel as various in-game features. Each training session takes up part of a players energy, and the less energy a user has, the less likely they are to have a successfull training session or routine. Therefore it is important to visit the hospital from time to time and refil your energy. Energy refills are free but can only be done once per hour. Visiting the hospital will tell you how long you need to wait until you can next refill and how much energy you have at any given time.


Statistical mode battles are all completely dependant on the players stats and the outcome of each battle is in no way randomised. Therefore in order to get the full advantage from your player it is important to take notice of your energy when playing a stat mode rumble! Each of your statistics will be effected by the capacity of your energy and its upto you to decide if you require maximum health to succeed. 

Please note: Players energy is calculated upon the launch of the rumble and not when a player enteres the rumble. So you can still train and do other in-game activities while waiting for the rumble to launch. Just make sure you refill in time! 


Once a player hits level 50 their ability to train their stats will end. If you are unsatisfied with the way you have trained, or would like to see if you can train your character to a better position, then you are able to prestiege which will reset your level & statistics back to 0 and grant you extra in-game bonuses aswel as enter you into a special prestiege only rumble! However, if you are satisfied with your statistics, you can choose to stay at level 50 for as long as you desire. All in-game activities will still be available at level 50, but your ability to train ends!