Training System Explained
Sunday, 21 May 2023 00:00 am

CastleRoyale Presents Rumble Arena

Here you can learn more about how the training point system works in game. Its upto you as a player to decide which training method works best for you. And there are several routines to figure out that will help you boost your stat points.

Stat points are earned each time you train your player. By default players under level 10 are awarded 4 stat points, but this number can differentiate by a number of different factors. For those over level 10 you are awarded an extra point for every 2 levels you gain going forward.

Your energy will play a main part in a successfull training session, and your nerve may also have an effect when taking part in certain activities. Routines are an essential part of training and will boost your stat points significantly. The minimum a player can earn at the end of a training session is 0 points, and the maximum a player can train in any single training session is 35 points. 

Routines boost your training sessions and can award an extra 10 points for a single training session, but the maximum amount of points a player can earn for a completion of a total routine is 328. Players are able to train at their own leisure, but a complete routine can be acheived easily for even a casual player. 

As CastleRoyale is a PVP battle game the actual algorithyms for training and battle modes will not be shared publicly, but players are enticed to try and figure them out in order to create the best player they statistically can be!