
Here you will find any updates and changes made to CastleRoyale. Also displayed is a dev-list of upcoming features. If theres a feature youd like pushed to the front then voice your opinion in the #Rumble-Arena Discord channel found here

2024-04-26 :-

Gang upgrades can now be purchased from the gang settings menu

2024-04-26 :-

Gang member count & level added to gang homescreen

Donate button added to gang warehouse which allows you to donate your unwanted items for any other gang member to take!

Gang members with the take items permission can now take items that have no current owner. (ie items donated or created in the lab)

Gang leaders can now change the gangs name from the settings menu

Private games with an entry fee now earn the creator 50 exp once the game completes

Profile pages now show property & gang locations

Gangs now have a member limit, by default its 10, then itl rise up with each level you gain after level 10 to a maximum of level 25!

Game transaction pages updated to include more detailed transaction info.

2024-04-26 :-

Welcoming messages can be created in the gang settings page. This can be used to entice new members into your gang and is visible from the gangs homescreen (visible to anyone that isnt in your gang)

2024-04-21 :-

feature added to move warehouses to other citys

2024-03-30 :-

pending gang applications now show in your Game Transaction page.

kick gang members feature added

2024-02-05 :-

Every 24 hours players in Noobsville under level 10 will automatically be sent to the hospital for a full 100% energy refill

Every time a Stat Mode Daily Rumble launches players in noobsville with less than 100% energy will be refilled! 

Noob Guide added to noobsville city centre

2024-01-01 :-

referral system added

create button added to main lobby

2023-12-03 :-

Stat mode added to private games

Know what servers your in removed from discord permissions

2023-11-08 :-

Profile bug fixed where gang img was missing

General fixes/upgrades to admin area

Bug fixed in main rumble lobby where previous results were showing wrong winning ammount

2023-10-15 :-

bug fixed in sponsored games lobby where join game button wasnt working.

bug fixed in sponsored games lobby where joined players numbers werent displaying

bug fixed in sponsored games lobby where incorrect prize was being displayed.

2023-09-27 :-

Mobile menu updated to allow users to goto their profile with ease

Link to change-log (this page) added to website footer

2023-09-03 :-

bug fixed in market where pockets were showing full when buying HP

2023-09-03 :-

sponsored & private games lobby now rolled into 1 page.

Rumble Arena redesigned, now shows Stat mode daily rumble. Players can also view the latest private & sponsored games & results.

2023-09-02 :-

bug fixed with training heavy weights

newsagents cheapest items list updated to add item images

property added to cheapest item list in newsagents

private gym feature added to property

upgrades feature added to property

name feature added to property

2023-08-30 :-

bug fixed where transaction page was showing incorrect item found when searching

2023-08-29 :-

bug fixed where searches were not showing in game transaction page

removed the purchase property button from profile

added a "go home" button to profile if player has a property.

ability to post private notes inside property has been added

2023-08-28 :-

property explanation added to help files 

bug fixed where item name wasnt showing after city search

bug fixed where pocketed item image wasnt showing in profile

bug fixed for some browsers not refreshing the correct dropdown selection when using backpage to city info page

time countdown in hospital changed again to show just mins, and then only shows seconds if theres less than 1 min left. 

training limited to 8 trains every 2 hours to account for new HP feature 

HP can now be used to refill energy at any time in the hospital.

2023-08-27 :-

Newsagent opened in each city. 

Bug found where help/faq pages were only showing for people logged in. (fixed)

Your energy Percentage has been added to personal profile, also for visiting profiles it now shows if a player has zero energy & will not let you attack them.

City exp system added to marketplace (now city earns exp for everytime a player purchases an item)


Upcoming Features:-

Skin Wars game mode