Property Explained
- By SHLIM --
- Monday, 28 Aug, 2023
In CastleRoyale players are able to develop and purchase property from each city. Certain cities have different property types dependant on that specific city zone. Property prices vary dependant on the property type and location and owning a property gains the player extra gameplay opportunities.
In order for players to be able to purchase property they need to help develop the city by doing Building work at the job centre. When certain criteria is met deiffernt property types will appear on the market for players to purchase. Check out the Newsagent to see how close your city is to reaching its development goals. Alternatively players can purchase property from the market if other players are selling their property.
All property allows players to sell their items in the market, aswel as send any items purchased directly to their storage facility. You can also store unlimited HP for future use.
Warehouses can be purchased in any city and allow players to store a vehicle, up to 10 items and unlimited HP for future use. Warehouses are the first property type any city can develop, and are the only property type available in Noobsville. Warehouses can not be upgraded but you are allowed to move them to a different city if desired.
Small Cabin:
The Small Cabin is available in Wilderness One and is an ideal starter home for players wishing to trade on the market. It comes with space available to store 20 items which can be upgraded to 30 spaces. Players also have the option to upgrade to a private gym with weights upto 60kg, allowing you to train your stats at home which may have an advantage. There is no garage included but players are able to park any equipped vehicle outside the property.
The bungalow is another property ideal for market traders. Just like the Small Cabin it comes with a standard of 20 item spaces but which can be upgraded to 35 spaces . Again there is no private garage but It does include a private gym which can be hold upto 80kg weights. The Bungalow can be located in Avalanche Peak or BT City and ideal for those who like class and style.
Large Bungalow:
The large bungalow is a luxurious property type that will be admired by all. It comes with a standard of 25 stores spaces for your items which can be upgraded to 35 spaces. It comes with a built in garage which can be upgraded to hold upto 2 vehicles, and has the ability to hold weights of upto 120kg. The Large Bungalow can be located in Polygon Plateau and ROYville.
Large House:
The Large House is ideal for those on a budget. It comes with all the same features as the Large Bungalow, but lacks the ability to upgrade your garage, and doesnt look as fancy. The large House can be found in Wilderness One.
Luxurious House:
The Luxurious House is an ideal property for those who want to show they have style. Wake up each morning and step out onto your balcony into the views of either Avalanche Peak or BT City. It comes complete with storage space for 30 items which can be upgraded to 45 spaces, and comes with enough room to fit 3 vehicles which can be upgraded to 5 parking spaces. Not only that but you can purchase weights for your private gym of upto 220kg.
Casa De Grande:
This glorious 3 story home is ideal for those who want to show they settle for nothing but the best. It comes with a standard of 35 storage spaces that can be upgraded to 50 spaces. It comes with a garage that fits 3 vehicles but can be upgraded to 7 parking spaces, and a private gym that can hold upto 320kg weights. The Casa De Grande can be located in Polygon Plateau and ROYville.
Gangs play a special part in CastleRoyale and whether you own a gang, or are just a member many new gameplay opportunities will open. As a standard gangs come complete with storage space for 150 items which can be upgraded to 250 spaces. A 10 car garage that can be upgraded to 20 cars and a laboratory that can be upgraded to do 10 experiments at once. And thats not all!