Attacking Players
- By SHLIM --
- Wednesday, 23 Aug, 2023
In CastleRoyale players are able to attack each other for a number of reasons and whether you win or lose will depend on how you train your stats. An attacking player will have a first hit advantage over a defender and the fight will have one of 3 outcomes. Either the attacker wins, the defender wins, or you both walk away with damage. Battles are based on a complex algorithym which is not shared publicly and so figuring out the best way to train your stats is essential if you desire to be a tough player.
Players are awarded exp for attacking other players which is based on a number of factors. The maximum exp you can gain from attacking another player is 15 points and this will reduce dependant on how long the battle takes to complete, aswel as numerous other factors.
Health is deducted during battles based on various factors. Each time you defend/attack or take a hit you will lose energy, you will also lose energy dependant on how long the battle takes to complete. If your energy reaches 0 during a battle you will become too exhausted to continue and will lose the fight. If a battle takes too long to complete then each player will walk away with their remaining energy. This can also be an indication that you have a rival trainer!