Creating a Private Rumble.
- By SHLIM --
- Saturday, 06 May, 2023
The following is an explanation of each segment of the Private games creation tool. Please note that the creation tools has an error detecting feature which will display text in red if there are any issues. These issues MUST be corrected or the submission will fail.
Here you need to enter a name for your Rumble.
Registration Date/Time:
Here you are required to enter a date and time in which the registration period is open. Players will not be able to join the Rumble after this date, and the game can not be launched until this date has expired.
Min/Max Players:
Here you are required to enter the minumim and maximum amount of players for your Rumble. Please note that certain payout structures may require a specific amount of minimum players to launch. These specifics will be announced in the error section of the creation tool.
If you require your rumble to be password protected you can enter it in the box provided. Only those with the password will be able to enter the rumble.
Entry Fee:
Choose wether your rumble has an entry fee or not & specift the buyin amount. Please note that games without an entry fee will require the creator to offer a gtd prize pot.
Added Prize:
Here you can define wether to add ROY to the prize pot. This amount is deducted from your personal balance upon creation and is refunded if your Rumble does not meet the criteria to be launched.
Prize Structure:
Here is a layout of how many prizes are offered with each available prize structure.
Standard: 3 prizes paid; Winner, First Death, Most Kills.
Winner Only: Pays Winner only.
Incrimental: Prizes paid to the top 10% of players with 3 Places paid minimum. This mode requires a minimum amount of 10 players.
Here you need to specify a few details about your rumble.
Launching Your Rumble:
Once the registration period has ended for your rumble and the game criteria has been met you are able to launch your Rumble from the games main lobby. If for any reason your Ruble does not meet the criteria then you are able to extend the registration period, or cancel the ruble which will refund all entrants (if applicable).
Creation Fee:
A refundable creation fee is taken upon the creation of each Private Rumble you make. The fee is deduction when you first create the Rumble and is refunded to you once your Rumble has been successfully launched. If for any reason your Rumble does not meet the criteria to launch the Rumble will cancel, all entry fees and added amounts will be refunded and the creators fee will be forfeited.