Levelling System

In CastleRoyale players are able to gain levels through doing various in-game activities. All players start at level 1 and are able to gain upto level 50. Certain actions and the ability to own various items are dependant on a players level, and your level plays a part in how many training points you can gain in a session. 

Your level will rise as you gain more exp. Exp is awarded in many ways and at different amounts based on many various factors that are not always shared publicly. If you are able to figure out any of the various exp boosting algorithyms then its upto you to share it publicly, or keep it a secret to help build better stats and gain an edge over other players! 


Levelling up will allow a user to get more benefits in-game. Certain items can only be held once you reach a specific level, and players receive extra training points for levelling up aswel. For more info on items and levels please check out the City Info page found in the games City Center.


Once a player hits level 50 their ability to train their stats will stop. If you are unsatisfied with the way you have trained, or would like to see if you can train your character to a better position, then you are able to prestiege which will reset your level & statistics back to 0 and grant you extra in-game bonuses aswel as enter you into a special prestiege only rumble! However, if you are satisfied with your statistics, you can choose to stay at level 50 for as long as you desire. All in-game activities will still be available at level 50, but your ability to train ends! 

How are Levels Calculated?

Easily! ... The exp requirement for each level is worked out using the following bit of math : (69 * Your-Current-Level)